On Saturday 19 May 2012, Roy Chapman Ltd, in conjunction with Herts Constabulary, worked together to fit tamper-proof screws to the dealership’s visitors’ cars free of charge. The event was planned to help drive down car crime by fitting tamper-proof screws to registration number plates and offering crime prevention advice. Additionally, Roy Chapman Ltd also conducted a free visual health and tyre check free of charge.
Roy Chapman Ltd will be holding a further event with the local Police on the evening of Thursday 9 August 2012. The event will be aimed at female drivers and include a crime prevention clinic and workshop demonstrations for some of the simple things one can do at home in between annual services.
Neighborhood Sergeant for Berkhamsted, Pete Huffer, said: “We are grateful to Roy Chapman’ for their support in our fight to drive down car crime and welcome their future efforts.”
Jeremy Chapman, Aftersales Director for Roy Chapman Ltd, said “We are keen to help both the local community and support the local police. Raising awareness of motoring-related crimes via our events will assist both.”
For further information on the fitting of tamper-proof screws and to book your place on the Ladies Evening, please contact: Jeremy Chapman, Aftersales Director, on tel: 01442 871234 or send an email to: jeremy@roychapman.com.